FREOVIEW – Fremantle's only daily


Posted in city of fremantle, community, local government, Uncategorized, western autralia by freoview on July 7, 2017


It appears that Fremantle has a new ABB, no, it’s not a typo. It stands for Anyone But Brad. Fremantle Mayor Brad Pettitt and the sitting members who are due for election in October might as well not bother to nominate if the relentless-and often uninformed-social media attacks on Council are any indication.

Some people only want to be negative and ignore all facts of progress and a positive Fremantle future. On social media one of those residents, who has not had a good word to say about Freo Council for many years, claimed that Fremantle is rudderless.

This is an amazing statement when one considers that the present Council has done more to encourage substantial development in the inner city than councils over the last 40 years. Facts do not seem to matter when one only wants to be negative.

Leadership is not about making populist decisions but about long-term planning and strategies that will see Fremantle grow and prosper, and in my opinion the present Council has done that well.

Governments never please everyone, that is simply human nature. We all have our political preferences and different views on where Freo should be heading. But it does not mean there is no leadership just because one doesn’t agree with the decisions the democratically Elected Members make.

Yes, there is no denying they have also made mistakes and made decisions I don’t agree with, but my score card is more positive than negative. Because of that I have recently been accused of Council bias. I, and no doubt many at CoF who hate my guts, find that very funny. All I try to do is create a fair balance on social media against anti-Council bias, and point out facts rather than engaging in one-eyed polemic.

Let’s talk about the P-Word again! Parking in Fremantle is not outrageously expensive, as some claim, but only $ 2.80 per hour. After 5pm the maximum amount one has to pay is $ 5.50 for unlimited time. For Fremantle residents parking before 11am and after 3pm is free on weekdays. That is 20 hours daily of free parking, five days a week. On weekends parking is free for residents with a permit at the Beach Street carpark. Street parking in Perth is $ 4.00 per hour by the way.

Notre Dame University students complain that parking cost them thousands of dollars a year, basically because they are too lazy to walk ten minutes from the Point Street carpark where they could park all day for just $ 9.00, instead of paying well over $ 20.00 a day by parking in West End streets. Silly really!

I don’t believe at all that Fremantle Council is rudderless and lacks leadership. Fremantle Council has respectfully and protectively kept one eye on our heritage past while having a strong focus on the future.

The Kings Square Project, Cantonment Hill Project, Fremantle Oval/Stan Reilly Project, State Heritage listing of the West End, the futuristic South Quay Project, Princess May Park masterplan, Esplanade masterplan, lobbying State Government to relocate government departments to Fremantle, and zoning changes to encourage residential infill and small housing, and planning changes, that now see unprecedented commercial and residential development in the inner city, show that the present council has strong strategic thinking.

In my books that is good future-focussed leadership that should be consolidated in the next challenging years. The many projects on the way and in the pipeline require thorough knowledge and people with local government experience.

They are well thought-out long-term and strategic plans by Fremantle Council to help our city grow faster, to get more people living and working in the CBD, to get more visitors to stay overnight and to boost the retail and hospitality economy. Cutting red tape so that more small bars and businesses can be established in the West End is also good leadership.

It is unlikely that Mayor Brad Pettitt and I will ever be friends and that is fine, but that does not mean I don’t respect him. I really don’t care much what the Mayor or anyone else at the City of Fremantle think off me.

I am at this beautiful end stage of life where I don’t have to prove anything anymore to anyone, or even myself. I am involved in Council and community business because I want the very best for Fremantle, not because of my ego and wanting to be right.

Anyone with good new and positive ideas for Freo will have my support. Anyone with solutions will have my unbiased ear, but those who are hell-bent on talking our city down will receive little sympathy from me.

Fremantle is an outstanding place to live. Fremantle has a really good and exciting future ahead and will be one of the great vibrant destinations in the metro area in just a few years from now.

We will have many more people walking the streets day and night, who will be supporting our local traders, and we will have a modern new East End of town that will well juxtapose the beautiful historic West End of Fremantle.

What we need to be most aware of is that developers are trying to push five-storey buildings into the heritage West End and we can’t let that happen. It is disappointing that this is actively supported by the Chamber of Commerce. Approving high and massive buildings in the historic area is unacceptable because it would negatively change Fremantle’s unique character forever. We can’t let that happen ever!!

Fremantle is on the right track, but it is a marathon. Right now we need to be patient and supportive, not negative!

Roel Loopers



Posted in community, fremantle, history, Uncategorized, western autralia by freoview on June 5, 2017


There is WA DAY entertainment at the Fremantle Esplanade all day today so go and enjoy the glorious day.

Spare Parts Theatre will be there with their puppets and Grace Barbe and band will perform in the afternoon.

There is a Freedom Fairy Show for the children, food stalls,  Bindi Bindi Dreaming, and Felicity Groom will also be performing.

A big sand sculpture will be created and the African Drumming Circle will be fun for young and old.

The Maritime Museum will have a stall and there is also the Perth Makers Market and more entertainment and music.

At Victoria Quay in Fremantle Port one of the world’s most high-tech research vessels, RV Sonne, will be open to the public.

Members of the public are invited to step on board, speak to the German and Australian marine scientists, check out the ship’s cutting-edge research technology and learn about current research campaigns in the Australian marine environment, and Australian-German research cooperation.

Have a fun WA DAY!

Roel Loopers



Posted in culture, fremantle, historic, holland, western autralia by freoview on October 16, 2016


There is always a lot of orange when Dutch people get together and today’s Dirk Hartog Festival at B Shed on Fremantle’s Victoria Quay was not different.

There was however not a single bit of cheese to be seen but Linda and Isa-Bo of Treacle Treat were very busy making poffertjes, stroopwafels, kroketten and bitterballen, while the Indonesian stall reminded us of the close connection between that country and the Netherlands.

Fremantle Mayor Brad Pettitt and State Treasurer Mike Nahan opened the historic day that celebrated the arrival of Dirk Hartog at Shark Bay 400 years ago.

The Dutchies also had a huge party at Little Creatures on the weekend.

But let’s forget about all those so-called important historic Dutchies and their connection to WA. No doubt the most outstanding one of the lot is obnoxious Dutch Fremantle blogger Roel Loopers who was awarded Fremantle Citizen of the Year in 2013 by Premier Colin Barnett.

How popular this choice was was shown with one person complaining to the City of Fremantle CEO that Loopy was not a fit and proper person to receive that award. There is only one very Dutch response to that. Klootzak! ; >)

Roel Loopers



Posted in city of fremantle, community, council, hospitality, local government, western autralia by freoview on September 26, 2016

The monthly Ordinary Council meeting of the City of Fremantle is on this Wednesday from 6 pm and open to the public, so come and see local government at work!

It’s a busy agenda that will address the eight-storey building proposed for Queen Adelaide Street, a new small bar in the former Weighbridge in Phillimore Streets, and the restriction on more take-away outlets in the Freo CBD.

There are also updates on Kings Square, the Fremantle Oval project, the new Operations Centre in O’Connor, the future of Fremantle Port and on the Perth Freight Link.

Roel Loopers



Posted in city of fremantle, heritage, hospitality, j shed, western autralia by freoview on September 22, 2016

I had a look at why the WA Planning Commission rejected the Sunset Events proposal for a tavern and live music venue at J Shed at Fremantle’s Bathers Beach and found it quite puzzling why neither the City of Fremantle nor the State Heritage Office did see these issues and approved the tavern at Arthur Head.

Here part of the ruling by the Statutory Planning Committee from their meeting of August 23, 2016.

1. The proposed application does not comply with the requirements of the Clause 30 of the Metropolitan Region Scheme as it is inconsistent with the purpose for which the land is reserved under the scheme, inconsistent with the orderly and proper planning of the locality and does not allow the preservation of amenities in the locality.

2. The proposal does not provide sufficient on- site car parking;

3. The proposed application does not comply with the requirements of Development Control Policy 5.3 – Use of Land Reserved for Parks and Recreation and Regional Open Space as it is not of a nature and scale of the proposal is compatible with the use and zoning of the surrounding land, the nature and purpose of the reserved land and the environmental character of the location;

4. The proposed application does not comply with the requirements of Development Control Policy 5.3 – Use of Land Reserved for Parks and Recreation and Regional Open Space as it is not identified there being a community need for the proposed facility in the proposed location and the proposal is not consistent with existing or proposed land use and management plans;

5. The proposal is inconsistent with clause 4.1.2 (b) of the City of Fremantle’s Local Planning Policy DGF14 – Fremantle West End Conservation Area Policy as the proposal does not demonstrate a low key use and is not compatible with the ethos of the area;

6. The proposal is inconsistent with clause 3.4 of the City of Fremantle’s Local Planning Policy DGF26 – Planning Policy for the West End of Victoria Quay as the proposed land uses are not compatible with the primary or ancillary land uses desired for the locality;

7. The proposal is inconsistent with objectives 3.1 and 3.2 of the City of Fremantle’s Local Planning Policy DGF5 – Arthur Head Reserve Strategy Plan as the proposal is not a low profile commercial uses of J-Shed reflective of and is not compatible with the history and maritime themes of Arthur Head and the foreshore;

8. The proposal is inconsistent with Clause 2 of the City of Fremantle’s Local Planning Policy DGF6 – Arthur Head – (West End of High Street, Fremantle) as the proposal is overloading the vicinity with proposed developments;..


Posted in city of fremantle, community, fremantle, politics, western autralia by freoview on September 13, 2016

I have had a change of heart as I miss the community debate and the banter on Freo’s View, so will from today on allow comments on this blog again.

I hope my message is clear though that I will only publish comments that are on topic, respectful and concise. I will not publish comments that contain personal disrespectful attacks on anyone, no matter if I agree or disagree with what you write.

I will also not publish comments if they have a long list of grievances with Fremantle Council but have nothing to do with the topic of discussion.

I very much value good comments that try to make a positive difference, new ideas, solutions, etc, but all the communists, lefties, greenies, etc. accusations have no place on FV.

Looking forward to receiving your great comments that will trigger in-depth debate about topics that really matter to Fremantle.

Thank you to everyone who sent me an email on the weekend supporting Freo’s View and telling me how valuable you believe this blog is for Fremantle!

Roel Loopers



Queen Victoria:Beach Street

I was a committee member, president and vice president of the Fremantle Society community group and have great respect for what they have achieved in their 44 years.

FS must be one of the oldest community groups in Fremantle and I recommend everyone to read the group’s history and achievements in the Fighting for Fremantle book. It’s a great read and shows what a committed community group can change.

But the present Fremantle Society appears to be losing the plot as it puts out false information, such as this one on the proposed development of a new building next to St Patrick’s at Queen Victoria Street and next to the Australia Hotel on Beach Street

This is what FS  told their members: “Another appalling development for Fremantle (the mayor blamed the DAP system, whereas in reality it is the scheme amendment 49 amendments which are allowing such dismal outcomes)”

Fact # 1: Fremantle Council rejected the proposal as it was deemed inappropriate for the location.

Fact # 2: The State’s Development Assessment Panel approved the proposal.

Fact # 3: This site was never part of Planning Scheme Amendment 49 Council signed off on some three years ago.

Shame on you Fremantle Society for putting out incorrect information. Your credibility is on the line FS committee and members!

Roel loopers



Posted in development, fire, fremantle, western autralia by freoview on July 14, 2016



That was a rather interesting fire emergency test at the new MSC building in Cliff Street this morning, when men shot huge sprays of water in the air from the roof of the building, and the strong wind blowing it all over High Street and inside Chalkys cafe. Lucky no one sat at the outside tables or they would have got drenched.

Barista Keith yelled out to them to stop it and they finally did, after a few pedestrians got a good soaking.

I believe it was very inconsiderate and lazy as they could have alerted the cafe and stopped pedestrian traffic during the test. I hope no one at No 1 Little High Street left their windows or balcony doors open.

Roel Loopers



Posted in children, family, fremantle, western autralia, winter festival by freoview on July 4, 2016

winter bubble

This long bubble tube at the Fremantle Winter Festival at the Esplanade is very popular with children who run and roll around inside it.

It looks like a whole lot of fun, so can we have a senior night in them as well? Only kidding!

If you haven’t been there, go and check it out. There is ice skating and a huge slide, toboggan, food and drinks and even hot chestnuts and ‘real’ snow.

Roel Loopers



Posted in aboriginal, city of fremantle, culture, fremantle, history, indigenous, western autralia by freoview on July 3, 2016



NAIDOC Week is on from July 3 to 9 so head out to the Fremantle Walyalup Aboriginal Cultural Centre at Captain’s Lane up on historic Arthur Head and connect with our indigenous people.

On Monday at 3 pm there will be the launch of Naidoc Week and the launch of the new TRAKKA smartphone App, with a welcome to country and afternoon tea. Afternoon tea sounds a bit too British for me for a celebration of Aboriginal culture.

At 4.30 there is a Nyoongar Wangkaniny language class.

On Thursday the 7th is the film screening of Noongar of Beeliar.

The outstanding event is probably on Friday the 8th when there is an Aboriginal Art&Culture Markets from 11 am to 5 pm with dancers, Buster the Fun Bus, workshops with Aboriginal artists and the Willagee Boys Dancers will perform. There will also be live music and a free sausage sizzle.

Roel Loopers