FREOVIEW – Fremantle's only daily


Posted in fremantle, samaritan by freoview on December 12, 2014

I love people because we all have such different personalities, so the start of today gave me a good laugh and a sense of bewilderment. As I always do on Friday my first trip is to the Fremantle Herald to pick up a copy and read it over a coffee. An older lady was just packing her car and took the second last pile of papers, so as a community-minded person I thought to be a good boy and carry the last load to her car for her. She was not delighted though and looked at me angrily. She did not want it and had to rearrange something in her car first she told me sternly. When I proceeded to put the stack of papers on the ground she told me I had to return them to where I got them from and walked next to me to point out the exact spot I had taken them from. My explanation that I had wanted to assist her were shrugged off and not a thank you or smile was offered. I am a booed Samaritan. ; > (

Roel Loopers