FREOVIEW – Fremantle's only daily


Posted in city of fremantle, local governmet, Uncategorized by freoview on February 29, 2020


What is the future of the St John’s Ambulance building in Fremantle’s Parry Street? The building has been vacated by the ambulance service and already homeless people are sleeping in it, according to nearby residents.

The City of Fremantle signed a Memorandum of Understanding with a community club. I think it was it the Portuguese club, which wanted to move from Beaconsfield, but nothing has been forthcoming.

Any suggestions what could be done with the building?

Roel Loopers





It will not come as a surprise to the Fremantle community and overseas and interstate visitors that Freo’s Rent A Fence attraction at Arthur’s Head did not win a Tourism Award nor a Heritage Award.

Two years ago Fremantle Council decided to fence off large parts of historic Arthur’s Head because of danger of rockfall from the limestone cliff. It took a very long time before an engineer’s report was commissioned and that told us that there is interior erosion because of rain water and that repairs to the cliff on which Western Australia’s oldest public building the Roundhouse stands will cost approximately $ 1,8 million.

While the report recommended solutions it failed to test if vibrations from the heavy container trains that run within a few metres of the cliff face have any impact on the deterioration of the heritage precinct.

As I understand it the City invited the Minister for Mandurah, …err Heritage, David Templeman to do a site inspection but he could not be bothered, and so the ugly fences remain and absolutely nothing is done to repair the damage and make one of our state’s most significant historic areas an attraction again.

At present new solar lights are being installed along the coastal path but looking at fences is not a tourist attraction and does nothing to activate the West End of our gorgeous city.

It is a total disgrace that the Western Australian McGowan government does not care one bit about it!

Roel Loopers



When the J Shed artists present their case at the City of Fremantle on Monday officers and elected members should first decide if they want a visual art precinct or activate the area, because the latter has been the buzzword for years at Fremantle Council.

The reality is that a visual art centre is great and will attract a certain type of visitors, but it will not create mass activation of Arthur’s Head. Even if the City were prepared to invest money and build a cafe at the number one studio, with an outdoor deck from which to watch the Indian Ocean and the setting sun, the area won’t suddenly get a huge number of people, but as the boardwalk and Bathers Beach House have shown at the southern part of Bathers Beach visitors’ numbers will increase and so will the use of the beach.

What also needs to happen with some urgency is making the Whalers Tunnel more attractive and re-installing the displays which were removed from the nooks by the Maritime Museum. There is also a sign in the tunnel that claims that convict labour was used to build it, but convicts arrived in Fremantle well after the tunnel was built.

And signage all over the area needs to be improved. Why for example is there no sign at the bottom of the steps to point out that the Roundhouse is the oldest public building in Western Australia and where is the sign near the tunnel entrance to point to the J Shed art studios?

It is naive from Fremantle Council to believe that artist studios will create significant activation, but the Roundhouse is doing that without much support from the City’s marketing department, so stepping up the promotion  for the area should be the very first step for the City to undertake. There is not much value in constantly talking about activating the West End of our city when nothing is done to significantly promote it. Walk the walk, Fremantle Council and don’t expect the artists and Roundhouse volunteers to do the job your marketing department and the Tourism Commission should be doing.

Roel Loopers




Posted in beaches, city of fremantle, disability, local governmet, Uncategorized by freoview on February 7, 2018




It is not a well-known fact that there are FREE beach wheelchairs available for hire in Fremantle at South Beach and Bathers Beach, so that disabled people can also go for a swim

Bathers Beach can be booked on 1300 134 081 or

South Beach can be booked on 9432 9999 or


Roel Loopers



Posted in australia day, citizenship, city of fremantle, local governmet by freoview on December 9, 2016

Two conflicting reports in the media today with the West Australian reporting the City of Fremantle missed the deadline to announce a date for the January citizenship ceremony, while the Fremantle Herald reports it will be held on January 26 at the Town hall, after the Federal Assistant Minister for Immigration Alex Hawke refused Fremantle to hold it on any other day in January, not even on Sunday the 29th during the Fremantle Arts Centre courtyard music session.

Enough has been said about Australia Day but I’d like to say to the Assistant Minister that great politicians find solutions and compromises, but his stand shows that he is just a power-hungry little man with a my way or the highway attitude that is unbecoming to a minister of the crown. No wonder the Liberal government is failing to make a significant impact with mediocre politicians like Alex Hawke.

Roel Loopers



Posted in city of fremantle, local governmet, Uncategorized by freoview on December 2, 2015

With a tree canopy cover of only 10 per cent the City of Fremantle is well behind in trying to reach the target of at least a 20 per cent canopy by 2020 as targeted for all Australian cities by Vision 202020. And to make that look even worse, experts from the renowned Arbor Centre say that 90 per cent of trees planted by councils will die and never mature and that only 10 per cent will survive.

Fremantle would need to plant a whole lot more to substantially increase Freos’ tree canopy, if the survival rate of trees can’t be improved drastically. It is pretty irrelevant to claim to have planted 10,000 trees when only a few of those will grow and mature and bring the necessary shade in our suburbs.

Experts claim that suburbs with a small tree canopy cover are six degrees hotter than those with a substantial canopy so it is very important in our hot climate to make sure we find a better way to ensure the trees our council plants will survive and mature.

Roel Loopers


Posted in fremantle, local governmet, perth freight link, western australia by freoview on July 17, 2015

Cottesloe Councillor Sally Pyvis is going to try to get Cottesloe Council to join the protest against the PERTH FREIGHT LINK by putting a motion up at the next council meeting. The last motion on the PFL was defeated because Mayor Jo Dawkins used her casting vote against it.

Experts have predicted a severe increase in truck and general traffic along Curtin Avenue should the PFL be built.

There have been two public meetings in Cottesloe that were critical of the PFL proposal by State Government and it was the top topic at the Cottesloe Ratepayers and Residents Association meeting earlier this month and a resolution was passed to oppose the project.

The Fremantle Townhall meeting this Tuesday is booked out, but weather permitting, will be broadcast on Kings Square.

Roel Loopers


Posted in city of fremantle, local governmet by freoview on February 28, 2015

Questions were raised on the Fremantle Reform blog about a “junket’ and the relevance for Freo for Fremantle Mayor Brad Pettitt to join a European liveable cities tour.

I am in general sceptical about sustainability experts telling everyone to get out of their cars and walk or cycle, whilst they themselves fly all over the world to catch up with other experts, who also tell people in their countries to reduce plastic bags, etc. I believe video conferences are far more environmentally friendly than jumbo jets.

Whatever a mini city like Fremantle does about sustainability will have next to no impact at global level, but I have no problem attacking the problems at grass roots, as long as we are aware about the minute impact our actions have.

My concern with Brad Pettitt wanting to go to another sustainability event is that the Freo Mayor does not have his priorities right. The environment might be his career and passion but as the Mayor of our City he should be far more concerned about the things he can change, such as the local retail economy, but did the Mayor ever apply to go on an interstate or overseas “junket” about shopping, high streets, the changes in consumers’ attitudes, etc?

I understand the desire to play in the big leagues of life, but as the Mayor of a small local council I would love to see Brad Pettitt be more nationally and internationally active to see how other councils around the world deal with the demise of so called High Streets and a steep decline in retail shopping. I would see that as worthwhile trips that could really benefit Freo, and it is an area that Council can pro-actively engage in and improve.

Leave saving the world to the big boys, Brad and concentrate on the essential small things Fremantle needs to improve in.

Roel Loopers


Posted in city of fremantle, local governmet by freoview on February 26, 2015

With the disappointing demise of local government reform and the regular criticism by residents of local councils I believe it is a good time for Fremantle community groups to start collaborating to find the best possible candidates for Fremantle Council at the next election. We need to find passionate and suitable community members willing to step up and go into local government.

It would be positive and pro-active to try to find outstanding candidates who will strengthen and improve our Council to get better governance and a better performing administration. The community is often frustrated because it believes Council no longer communicates well and only listens selectively to its residents on many issues.

It is reasonable for the community to expect more than tokenism when it comes to community consultation, and it should not constantly have to complain about inadequate services, street cleaning, rubbish collection, the maintenance of beaches, parks, gardens playgrounds, and the protection of its amenity and assets. The community wanst the preservation of, and increase in, public open green spaces.

While law and order are State and Police responsibility the City of Fremantle can help with better lighting and keeping our city tidy and well looked after. The neglected look of some parts of Fremantle is unbecoming for a tourist destination and attracts anti-social behaviour.

Residents and business owners want a consistent Council that represents them and is not dictated by certain ideologies or political orientation; a Council that well understands and supports our struggling retailers; a Council that cares for all ages and acknowledges it needs to provide for the ageing population as well as a youth culture.

We want consistency in planning approval with less compromise; a Council that insists on high-quality development and rejects mediocrity, a Council that implements and adheres to its own Local Area Policies and Masterplans.

Freo residents want a Council that delivers quality services and that is pro community more than it is pro developers. Community groups should be positive players and part of the solutions for our city. They are not a negative force whose protests prolong inevitable council-desired outcomes. We want a Council that protects our unique lifestyle and heritage and that better balances community wishes and needs with necessary economic development. Better and respectful communication will create better collaboration and best outcomes for all.

So who are the individuals needed to stand for office at the October election? Who are the outstanding community members we should ask to give new energy and expertise to Fremantle Council? I believe this is a conversation the Freo community needs to have well ahead of the next Local Government election in October. This way suitable, open-minded, non-aligned candidates might be found who will contest seats against some of the present Councillors. It is not good democracy (and not in the best interest of the Fremantle community) to have uncontested wards at elections and we need to make sure we have candidates to contest every seat for Fremantle Council. We want the very best for Fremantle and the community believes there is scope for improvement at every level.

So what about organising a public meeting on this in the near future to find people willing to step up and stand for Council at the next election? The call for community representation-instead of political representation-at Councils is very strong all over Perth and should be noted and embraced. The recent high participation in the Dadour poll on amalgamation shows that communities deeply care about their cities.

With new development and higher density under way new residents and ratepayers are coming into the Fremantle municipality. They will have issues and priorities and a public forum would give them a chance to connect with their new community, voice their opinion and suggest candidates.

Let the search for outstanding candidates begin. Put your hands up!

Roel Loopers

P.S. It is my understanding the contract for Fremantle’s CEO Graeme McKenzie is nearing its end. Will Council advertise the position and look for alternative candidates for the important position or simply extend McKenzie’s contract?


Posted in east fremantle, fremantle, local governmet by freoview on February 4, 2015

Colin's company

It looks like ’emperor’ Colin Barnett could well be in deep trouble with his local government reform with an unprecedented number of voters having their say in the Dadour Act election. There is the likelihood that the proposed amalgamation of some of the councils will not go ahead. Already more than the required 50% of Kwinana voters have voted and East Fremantle is nearing 49%. One can assume that most of these are NO votes and it requires only half of the votes to be against the amalgamations for them to be stopped.

I still strongly believe that the best outcome for East Fremantle and Fremantle would be an amalgamation and becoming a bigger, better and stronger council with new councillors and a new administration, so I hope that East Fremantle votes look to the future and embrace the new enlarged City of Fremantle.

Residents of Freo and East Freo should be aware that if the amalgamation does not go ahead they will continue with their present councils and only half of the Elected Members would be up for election in October. Those who are unhappy with their council and want to get rid off it should vote for amalgamation and an all new start!  We will know the outcome on Saturday evening.

Roel Loopers