FREOVIEW – Fremantle's only daily


Posted in city of fremantle, sign, tour de perth by freoview on April 1, 2015


One whole week after the event was held this big sign is still flashing away in Fremantle’s Pioneer Park, warning motorists about road closures and delays. It is a big ugly eyesore that serves no purpose but to confuse people.

Are the Tour de Perth organisors paying for it or the City of Fremantle and who is responsible for removing it. Or will it still be flashing during the Street Art Festival on the long weekend?

Roel Loopers


Posted in cycling, fremantle, photography, sport, tour de perth by freoview on March 26, 2015




I was disappointed this evening when I found out that theFremantle prologue of the Tour de Perth meant it was only a time trial and not a race. Pretty boring photos shooting individual riders doing laps I thought, so I decided to do it the arty way that captures speed and colour.

Nice to see a bit of a crowd at the start and finish at the Esplanade Hotel.

Roel Loopers


Posted in cycling, fremantle, sport, tour de perth by freoview on March 26, 2015

The South Metropolitan Police have announced that they will enforce helmet bike laws in Fremantle today but that won’t affect the speeding riders in the TOUR DE PERTH this evening. They always wear helmets.

Stage 1-Fremantle Prologue will be held from 6 pm with start and finish at the Esplanade and riders going around very tight corners at Mouat, Croke and Cliff streets at high speeds.

It is a great spectacle that deserves far more spectators than it had last year, so forget the TV for a few hours and support this event.

Roel Loopers