FREOVIEW – Fremantle's only daily



The Is Democracy in Crisis? forum organised by the Fremantle Network and politics students of Notre Dame University was interesting and attracted 60 spectators.

The event was held on Tuesday evening in the Santa Maria lecture theatre of Notre Dame, with panelists Liberal MP Ben Morton, Labor MP Josh Wilson and political journalist Jane Marwick, and facilitator Dr Martin Drum who is a political lecturer at NDA and Chief of Staff to the Vice Chancellor.

The panel agreed that democracy is not in crisis but in a bit of a mess, with Ben Morton saying that democracy should be celebrating different views, and that is has become harder to be an active citizen in our democracy as we need to work harder to keep informed, despite social media.

Jane Marwick said the media largely responded to the left/right focus in politics and that the media is far too cosy with politicians and staff. There is too much focus on personalities, not on conviction and policy. “We should all be skeptical about the media!”

Josh Wilson said that democracy was not in crisis in this part of Australia. “This room is full of people who are active at grassroots democracy.”

But he said tribalism, self-interest and self-engrandising was a problem in Canberra and that the media was focussed on conflict rather than policy.

Jane Marwick said the 24-hour media cycle left little time to fact check and get all sides of the story, but Martin Drum said it was more an opinion cycle than a news cycle.

Longer and fixed-term parliaments should be considered as the three-year term can cause instability, and is in reality only two years and four months.

Jane Marwick said that former Deputy PM John Anderson has said that trust has broken down in all our institutions. She said that meat on the bone does not get reported, only juicy stories.

Josh Wilson said it was not good democracy when the parties ran a war against their own Prime Minister and that Labor had put measures in place to stop that.

Certain journalists are having too much power and are trying to influence the behaviour of politicians. We need more women in parliament and all parties should have a quota for that, that means we need to make parliament a more attractive place to work at and accommodate women and their families better. It should not be either having children or having a career.


I feel disconnected with our political leaders in Canberra. I feel patronised, belittled and talked down to, and told what is good for me by them, instead of being part of the conversation.

Question Time is a disrespectful and childish session of bullying. It is about political point scoring instead of good governance, hence the public’s skepticism and lack of respect for parliament.

I wish federal, and also state parliament, would be as respectful and professional as Fremantle Council, where no personal attacks are made and no political point scoring takes place. We have a mature debate about the topics at hand in Fremantle Council. They don’t always get it it right, but at least they behave like professionals who thoroughly debate all topics, and whose main priority is  not self interest, but looking after the community and good governance.

Roel Loopers





There is an interesting political forum on tomorrow night, October 30 at the Santa Maria Theatre of Notre Dame University.

IS DEMOCRACY IN CRISIS? will discuss why voters are cynical about and showing a low level of trust in our political leaders and the system.

Panel members include Labor MP Josh Wilson, Liberal Party MP Ben Morton and political journalist Jane Marwick.

It is on tomorrow from 7-8.30pm at the Santa Maria Theatre, 13 Mouat Street in Freo’s West End.

The free event is organised by the Fremantle Network and NDA politics students.

Roel Loopers



Posted in city of fremantle, democract, elections, Uncategorized, voting by freoview on July 30, 2018


Saturday’s federal by-election had the lowest voter turnout in the history of compulsory voting, which was introduced a century ago, with just over 60% of people voting in Perth and Fremantle, and that is disappointing. Part of the reason for the low participation is no doubt that the Liberal party decided not to run candidates in Perth and Fremantle.

The idea of David Templeman, the WA Minister for Local Government, of trying to introduce on-line electronic voting for local elections is a good one, but his target of getting 50% of voter participation is far too low.

The problem with low voter participation is that the ‘clever’ ones among us then claim that those who were elected don’t really have a mandate because they only received a relative small percentage of the eligible votes. That is nonsense, because members get elected within the laws, rules and regulations.

In a way those who-immaturely-decide not to participate in elections also vote, as they elect to not show a preference for any of the candidates. They should be quiet and not complain afterwards then about the governments we get.

In the seat of Fremantle Labor’s Josh Wilson received 52.7% of the primary vote, so that is up by 11.7%

Greens Dorinda Cox received 16.5% of the primary votes, down 1.2% and Josh Gray of the Lib-Dems got 14%.

I consider voting an absolute privilege, so while we all are tired of more and more election campaigns and hubris, we should still make the effort to vote. The next one will be here before we know it. ; >(


Roel Loopers



Posted in city of fremantle, democracy, elections, federal government, Uncategorized by freoview on July 29, 2018



Victorious Fremantle federal by-election winner Josh Wilson held a media doorstop at Bathers Beach at 1.30pm today, so I took some photos of the happy new Labor MP for Canberra.

Wilson increased his winning margin, so that is a good sign for him and the Labor party for the next federal election early next year.

Roel Loopers


Posted in city of fremantle, democracy, election, federal government, Uncategorized by freoview on July 28, 2018

It is hardly a surprise that Labor party candidate Josh Wilson re-won the federal seat of Fremantle today, with the Liberal party not putting up a candidate.

It has overall been a very good day for the Labor party during this by-election day with also wins in Tasmania and Queensland.

The disappointing reality of it all is that this will be very short lived with a Federal election due early next year, so we will have to endure another long election campaign, with lots of hubris, hot air and promises from the uninspiring federal leaders of the major parties.

I am glad Josh Wilson will be going back to Canberra as he deserves it. He is a genuine person committed to and passionate about Fremantle and he has represented us well.

Congratulations Josh and all the door knocking and other volunteers who were up in the cold and rain early to meet with people on their way to work. Well done all!


Roel Loopers





Josh Wilson MP


Fremantle Federal MP Josh Wilson is one of three Labor members who have resigned from parliament this morning after the High Court ruling about dual citizenship.

I am devastated for Josh as he is a highly intelligent and dedicated politician who has worked very hard in Canberra and in his electorate since he got elected.

Josh Wilson was one of my favourite Fremantle Councillors because he is a very genuine and likeable person and I have been impressed with the many speeches he has given in Federal Parliament.

Josh said in a media release this morning that he will fight the by-election that now needs to be held, short before the Prime Minister will call a general federal election.

I have no doubt the Fremantle people are a bit tired of yet another election campaign, but Josh Wilson deserves a second chance as he has been a tireless worker for Fremantle for many years. He will have my support!

Roel Loopers

From Josh Wilson’s media release:

The new interpretation of the law means the question of whether a person took all ‘reasonable steps’ to renounce foreign citizenship simply doesn’t exist for dual Australian-British citizens, irrespective of the administrative delay in the process (which is generally 2-4 months). Under the new interpretation any prospective candidate must have their British citizenship deregistered before the close of nominations. In my case that was effectively impossible.

I was endorsed as a late replacement Labor candidate in Fremantle on 12 May 2016 and completed the requisite UK Home Office paperwork to renounce my British citizenship on that day. I mailed the renunciation form and attached documents on Friday, 13 May, using express registered post. I received confirmation that the documents has been received by the UK Home Office on Monday, 16 May. The processing fee for renunciation was withdrawn from my bank on 6 June. I nominated the following day, two days before the close of nominations. I received a letter from the UK Home Office dated 24 June saying that my British citizenship had been deregistered, with a copy of the renunciation form stamped 29 June 2016.

I was elected on 2 July 2016. I have not served a single day as anything other than an Australian citizen.

I was born in London when my parents were on a working holiday. My mum was expecting me when they travelled to the UK, and I returned home with them at the age of one after we’d travelled in Europe for 6 months in a Kombi van. Both my parents were born in Australia. My great-great-grandfather came to Fremantle as a convict in the 1860s. I have never lived in the UK, and have only visited there twice, in 1998 and 2012, for a few weeks each time.

In any case, the High Court’s interpretation of the law has changed and I respect that ruling. That means I must resign as the Member for Fremantle and contest the forthcoming by-election.

As I said in my first speech, I can’t imagine a more meaningful kind of work than to represent the community where I’ve lived virtually all my life. Every opportunity I am given to ask the people of Fremantle to trust me with the responsibility of being their representative in the national parliament is an opportunity I will relish.

I am looking forward to once again seeking that trust and responsibility in the weeks to come, and I am happy to be considered by voters in the Fremantle electorate on the basis of my character, principles, work-ethic, and record.


Posted in abuse, animals, city of fremantle, fremantle ports, live trade, maritime, Uncategorized by freoview on April 9, 2018


Awassi hero shot


The Australian Maritime Safety Authority(AMSA) last night blocked the departure from Fremantle Port of the live sheep carrier Awassi Express after serious concerns were raised on the 60 Minutes TV program about more than 2,000 sheep dying from heat exhaustion on a previous trip of the vessel.

The operators have been forced to reduce the number of sheep by 17.5 per cent to only 57,000 and improve the airflow for the animals. They will also be required to have a government appointed observer on board.

Fremantle federal MP Josh Wilson said that the live export industry is fundamentally rotten and that we have been lied to for 15 years.

Roel Loopers



Posted in city of fremantle, freight, fremantle port, Uncategorized, western australia by freoview on March 6, 2018


High St_medium


Premier Mark McGowan and Transport Minister Rita Saffioti today unveiled a proposal for the widening of High Street, between Stirling Highway and Carrington Street, to improve safety and address peak hour congestion in the area.

The draft concept plans, which will now be taken to the community for feedback, include a roundabout at the Stirling Highway intersection; a wide median to separate traffic and preserve a number of mature trees; and a single-lane service road for residents north of High Street.

Fremantle Mayor Brad Pettitt said it appeared the message provided by the public that previous models were overly intrusive and expensive had been heard.

“Our community wants to see reduced noise and pollution, and improved safety for motorists and pedestrians, as well as those living along High Street and users of the nearby Frank Gibson Park netball courts.

“We are also keen to ensure the upgrade provides a suitable sense of ‘arrival’ and welcome at what is a key gateway into Fremantle.”

Mayor Pettitt said the City would play a partnership role with the State Government and Main Roads to ensure local stakeholders including members and officials of the nearby Fremantle Public Golf Course, High Street residents and the broader community were consulted closely during the process to develop and finalise the upgrade design.


This is promising news but it is disappointing that the WA Government Media department still has not reached the 2000s and acknowledges the importance of blogs such as Freo’s View.

I have often and in detail reported about all the plans by the former government and the news that suddenly the High Street upgrade was scrapped for a tunnel to nowhere.

Neither the Premier’s media people, nor those of our local representatives Josh Wilson MP and  Minister Simone McGurk, or the City of Fremantle flak catchers bothered to inform me. I need an emoji with a one finger salute! ; >)

Roel Loopers



Posted in bathers beach, city of fremantle, sport, Uncategorized by freoview on February 24, 2018




The Commonwealth Games Queen’s Baton Relay arrived in Fremantle at midday on Saturday by police boat from Rottnest Island and from there by jetski to Bathers Beach.

There was not a huge crowd to welcome the relay, but MP Josh Wilson, Minister Simone McGurk, the Mayor of Fremantle and councillors were there, as was Noongar elder Len Collard who did a welcome to country.

Freo celebrities Lois Olney and Michael Paula were part of the relay that continued on from Fremantle to Burswood and then South Perth and Perth today.

The Commonwealth Games will be held on the Gold Coast later this year.

Roel Loopers



Posted in city of fremantle, community, democracy, politics, Uncategorized by freoview on February 20, 2018


The monthly Mayor in the Suburbs is a new initiative by Fremantle Mayor Brad Pettitt, who tomorrow, Wednesday February 21, will be at the new South Beach basketball court between 11am and midday to answer questions, and hear your thoughts and suggestions.

Next month it will be at a different location, that will be announced on the Mayor’s blog and City of Fremantle website.

Fremantle Federal MP Josh Wilson is also doing something similar, so keep up to date with the locations of his Open Air Office on his Facebook page.

When politicians go out of their way to come your way and meet you it shows they genuinely want to communicate with the community. Take advantage of it!

Roel Loopers