FREOVIEW – Fremantle's only daily


Posted in fremantle by freoview on September 16, 2014

It is interesting to hear that Local Government Minister Tony Simpson has dismissed Canning Council for the second time in 13 years for failing to provide good government.

A group of Canning locals, spearheaded by Canning Accountability blogger Diana Ryan, has been pushing for better representation and good governance for a long time, so no doubt they will be celebrating today.

Three new commissioners will look after Canning until the next local government elections mid next year.

It was interesting in that context to read the letters to the editor of the West Australian yesterday, and the outrage about the State Government’s Design Advisory Panel taking away the decision-making of local councils when it comes to planning approval of new buildings. We have been worried here in Fremantle about DAP decisions, but people from Alfred Cove, Subiaco, Leederville, Winthrop, Cottesloe, etc. are also not impressed.

While it is good the Minister sacks incompetent councils, he should let all others just let get on with the job of good governance and looking after local communities.

Roel Loopers



Posted in fremantle by freoview on May 28, 2014

I published an article here some weeks ago about Fremantle chef Mark Woodcock wanting to find charities to take left over bread from a local bakery and the fact that he could not find anyone, so I am happy regular reader and comment writer Diana Ryan pointed me to the ALINTA newsletter and an article about FOOD RESCUE by Uniting Care West.

The article reports the organisation rescued 500,000 kilograms of food, or the equivalent of one million meals, for people in need, and that is absolutely fantastic.

So all you bakers, supermarkets, etc. in the Freo area, contact them and ask them to pick up the food you are up to now throwing away. It will help feed people in need and will make you feel good!

Roel Loopers

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Posted in fremantle by freoview on October 19, 2013

When the people of Fremantle and the rest of Western Australia vote for their local council representatives today, the City of Canning’s 51,000 eligible voters are denied their democratic right because Canning council was suspended in November last year and a commissioner appointed.

An initial inquiry by the Department of Local Government and adverse findings-not yet investigated-were found against Council, not staff members. The Department withheld Councillors “natural justice submissions”, but as a result of public pressure the authorised inquiry, with similar powers to a Royal Commission, will now be held publicly and transcripts of proceedings uploaded daily.

Two councillors resigned, and as off today the term for the mayor and four councillors expires, which only leaves 4 elected members, which is not enough to make up a Council.

If the Authority inquiry finishes on time in March 2014 there is just enough time for a special election, but if any delays occur that will be impossible and Canning might end up with a single part-time Commissioner for years, which seems rather undemocratic to me.

Local Government is highly important and it is imperative that the Canning shambles will be dealt with as a priority, so the people can have their say on who represents them. An unelected Commissioner is not the solution and is a slap in the face of democracy.

Roel Loopers

P.S. Find out more on Diana Ryan’s Canning Accountability blog!


Posted in australia by freoview on July 19, 2013

It is interesting to read on the Canning Accountability blog by Diana Ryan that Neil Hartley, the CEO of Kwinana has resigned because of the threatened forced council amalgamations by the State Government. The CEO believes Kwinana will be forced to merge with Cockburn and has quit his position to become the CEO of the Shire of Ashburton.

It is a great worry that it appears our state government will demand forced amalgamations of councils even when the local community is against it. However Minister for Local Government and Communities Tony Simpson is reported as having said the state government has no money allocated for the mergers and councils would have to pay for it. So we have to pay for something we don’t want. That is an amazing slap in the face of democracy!

I wonder if a group of councils  could start legal action in the High Court to challenge the Barnett government that has no mandate for local council amalgamations. Fremantle should give it a try. There might even be a lawyer willing to do such high-profile work pro bono.

 JOIN THE SOCK IT COLIN! campaign against council mergers on Facebook and send the premier an old sock!!!

Roel Loopers