FREOVIEW – Fremantle's only daily


Posted in fremantle by freoview on July 15, 2011

I heard on the Freo grapevine that the Moore&Moore cafe in the Henry Street Moores Building Art Centre can no longer hold wedding and other sit down functions and cannot use the large gallery space for functions anymore. All future small functions will now need to finish at 9pm. Supposedly this is the result of complaints from just a few neighbours about the noise coming from the venue.

It appears rather inconsistent that the council only recently approved the development of a bar and restaurant in Pakenham Street, backing on to the Moores Building, but then stops the owner of the Moore&Moore from continuing to have large functions there. It is not as if there are daily evening functions at the lovely Moores building cafe, and it will obviously affect the profitability of running it. Will that mean the new Pakenham Street restaurant once opened can’t have wedding functions either?

We keep talking in Fremantle about wanting to have a more vibrant inner city, but when we then restrict the operations of an established and well run business, one has to wonder who makes those decisions and why. I understand the Moores building comes under the management of the Fremantle Arts Centre, but even there functions and concerts are going to 10pm. Why then would the Moore&Moore cafe only be allowed to have functions till 9pm and restricted to a tiny area only, which does not allow for sit down wedding dinner parties.

Individuals keep trying in this town but the nanny state attitude of the council stops all good things from happening. Now THIS is something the Chamber of Commerce should complain about!

Roel Loopers

3 Responses

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  1. freoview said, on July 18, 2011 at 4:34 pm

    Yes, it is rubbish, Emma. Inner city living is about embracing the vibrancy and vitality of the city. Inner cities are not retirement homes. People who need their peace and quiet should move further out of the city to let those who want to go out at night have fun.



  2. Emma Powell said, on July 18, 2011 at 4:03 pm

    Hi Roel, I live on Henry Street and have no issue with Moore & Moore. I often go for a run past there in the evening and it is locked up. It is such as shame, yet another black hole on our street scape. My friend is having his 40th Birthday there and they were so strict with spelling out the deadline for locking up and the noise restrictions to the point that is almost put them off. Moore & Moore really are trying to do the right thing and should be patted on the back not hit with a stick!
    Emma Powell


  3. Brad Pettitt said, on July 15, 2011 at 12:13 pm

    Roel, great photos. Would have been good to be there. I think that we should make having that many bikes outside of Moores an every day event! Thanks for the birthday wishes too.
    cheers, Brad


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