FREOVIEW – Fremantle's only daily


Posted in Uncategorized by freoview on March 2, 2022

Disappointing to see that the long-established Nando’s in Fremantle’s Collie Street has closed and also the West Coffee co. cafe in High Street, that only opened on October 20 last year. I was wondering how long the cafe would last, as they opened just a few weeks before Notre Dame University closed for the long summer break, and that affects West End cafes quite a bit.

The Key Sole shoe shops in Collie, Market and High streets are for sale, according to signs on the windows.

It’s been a huge struggle for the retail and hospitality traders in Freo to survive without interstate and international visitors. I wish for those who have survived that the WA border opening from tomorrow will make a big positive difference and that business will pick up a lot.

Hospitality though will still have to battle on for at least four weeks with the government restriction of maximum 150 patrons. It’s going to be bloody hard.

If you got specials on, happy hours, events, music, whatever, please do let me know, so I can promote it here on Freo’s View and support you! Just email:

Roel Loopers


Posted in Uncategorized by freoview on February 24, 2022

Just announced by the McGowan WA Government:

Small Business Rental Relief Package

  • $42 million Tenant Rent Relief Scheme providing grants of $3,000 to eligible small business tenants;
  • $10.7 million Landlord Rent Relief Incentive supporting eligible landlords with $1,500 – who voluntary match the Government’s Tenant Rent Relief payments; and
  • $1.5 million Tenant Rental Credit Scheme providing a rental waiver or credit of $6,000 for eligible small business tenants of Government-owned buildings.

Outdoor Dining and Entertainment Support Package

  • $5 million Alfresco Support Program to reimburse small businesses in the hospitality sector with up to $5,000 for eligible costs associated with creating and expanding an alfresco area to meet the requirements of public health and social measures;
  • $3.5 million Waiver of Liquor Licencing fees. Liquor licence renewal fees for 2022 will be waived and refunds provided for businesses that have already paid. One-off fees for variations to liquor licencing to enable alfresco services will also be waived, and fees for a COVID-19 occasional permit will be waived to permit the sale of takeaway alcohol as part of a takeaway meal;
  • $1.8 million Nightclub Assistance Program payments of up to $50,000 for eligible nightclubs impacted by capacity limits and social distancing; and
  • $1.3 million Performing Arts, Theatres and Cinemas Assistance Program, providing payments of up to $50,000 to provide cash flow assistance to a range of larger, indoor entertainment venues that are particularly affected by capacity constraints.



Posted in Uncategorized by freoview on February 22, 2022

I have a legal question, I suppose it is. We hear that there will be a Special Electors Meeting called, to deal with the move to make the City of Fremantle a Pro Choice LGA.

However, Covid mandates are not issued by local councils and they do not have the power to dismiss, overrule or ignore state government health orders. So how can we have a Special Electors Meeting that does not deal with local government issues? Is it even legal to do so, or in breach of the Local Government Act?

Roel Loopers


Posted in Uncategorized by freoview on February 22, 2022

Good to see that Fremantle Council has taken pro-active measures to ensure that the Ordinary Council meeting this coming Wednesday can concentrate on matters at hand and on the agenda, rather than being kidnapped with more Pro Choice and anti vaxxer irrelevance.

Mayor Hannah Fitzhardinge posted this on Facebook:

We’ve made a few changes to how Council meetings will run in light of the current COVID situation and restrictions. For our meeting this week, we will:

• Livestream the meeting via

• Only allow people into the public gallery who are there for a specific item on the agenda (which can be found at

• Require masks and sign-ins to access the building (as per usual)

Despite having had significant airtime at our December and January meetings, we understand there may be another gathering of anti-mandate protestors at our meeting on Wednesday. As there is nothing on the agenda in relation to this issue, we will not be allowing access to the public gallery for discussion related to this topic.

A valid request for a Special Elector’s Meeting regarding vaccine mandates has been received from eligible residents and this is in the process of being scheduled, and will be advertised shortly.

Vaccine mandates have nothing at all to do with Local Governments. They are made by the State Governments. Those who don’t agree with them should raise their concerns with Parliament House, instead of wasting the time of Local Governments.

Roel Loopers


Posted in Uncategorized by freoview on January 30, 2022

So Manna Wholefoods in South Fremantle do not want to check proof of vaccination and will stop dine in food and coffee and only serve takeaway to be inclusive to all customers.

That is just one whole big load of spin, because what it in fact means is that Manna endorses anti vaxxers and the Pro Choice lobby.

I hope all of us who have done the right thing by our community and got the Covid vaccinations will know where not to go.

Remember that more than 95 per cent of the Freo population has been vaccinated!

Roel Loopers


Posted in Uncategorized by freoview on January 30, 2022

The WA Government has mandated that from tomorrow, Monday January 31, 2022 the entry to many businesses is conditional to showing proof of double Covid vaccination.

Businesses can be fined up to $ 25,000 if spot checks show they have not complied with this and did not check customers for the proof, so please do not blame them, be patient!

The proof of vaccination requirement applies to cafes, bars, restaurants, pubs, bottleshops, etc. So if you don’t have a proof of vaccination yet do get it today.

If the ServiceWA app is too difficult to set up, the Medicare one is a good alternative, or get a printed copy at a Medicare office, scan or photograph it, and have it on your mobile phone with you.

Roel Loopers



Posted in Uncategorized by freoview on January 21, 2022

I am one of many people in WA who have been saying for weeks that the opening of the state borders should be delayed, but I am very disappointed that Premier Mark McGowan has not set a new, and definite, day for the re-opening. That is neither acceptable nor sustainable!
Businesses, individuals, sporting teams, the tourism industry, etc. need to be given clear indications on when life will get back to normal and when WA can expect thousands of interstate and overseas visitors. We cannot now wait for 90+ per cent of the WA population to have had their Booster shot before opening the borders. That is unworkable and unrealistic.

Omicron will come to WA in a huge tsunami when the borders open. We all know and all fear that, but it is a reality we will have to cope with unfortunately, because we can’t keep running away from the deadly virus. 

Even allowing for a first year of planning, the McGowan government should have thrown everything at upgrading our health system, latest starting with that early last year. We keep hearing about staff and bed shortages from a government that has billions of dollars available to prioritise that and make substantial changes and improvements.

The procrastination happened because we only got daily updates from Roger Cook and Mark McGowan, when they should have spent their time better on planning for a state of the art health system in WA. We can afford it now, so let’s not wait any longer!

Ad hoc, on the run governance is a sign of incompetence, lack of leadership, and the failure to do proper long term planning. Very disappointing!

Roel Loopers


Posted in Uncategorized by freoview on December 18, 2021

It worries me that the owner of the Fremantle Moore&Moore cafe in Henry Street, former Freo Councillor Simon Naber, is an anti-vaxxer, who was part of the group that attended Wednesday’s Fremantle Council meeting. The group, unrealistically, wants the City of Fremantle to become a pro-choice local government for Covid-19 vaccinations. Simon Naber has lobbied other hospitality businesses in Fremantle to sign a petition accordingly, claiming many of them will have to close next year, when coronavirus vaccinations for workers in the hospitality industry become compulsory.

The Moore&Moore cafe had a workshop on November 30 this year by Dr Peter Dingle. The promotional poster for the Vital Table Talks event claimed that “Improving gut health, lowering chronic illness&targeting specific chemical pathways can dramatically lower the risk of contracting & suffering from Covid. ,,,”

Let me make it clear that this is unproven rubbish, not supported by facts, and that Peter Dingle is not a medical doctor, but the M&M cafe is happy to spread the dangerous nonsense!

Dr Peter Dingle’s wife died under strange circumstances some years ago and the West Australian newspaper reported on July 4, 2011 about a coronial enquiry that: “Prominent WA toxicologist Peter Dingle says he blames himself for “stupid” decisions that ultimately led to his wife Penelope’s death after she chose natural therapies to treat her colorectal cancer.”

The West reported that “Mrs Dingle died in August 2005 after opting for alternative treatments, including natural therapy provided by homeopath Francine Scrayen, rather than surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy as recommended by doctors.”

Last year’s coronial inquest into Mrs Dingle’s death found that Dr Dingle, who has no formal medical qualification, was actively involved in isolating his wife from the outside interferences of those recommending conventional medicine.” The West Australian reported.

It is a concern that anti-vaxxers run some Fremantle hospitality businesses, where very many people visit every day of the week. At the Moore&Moore cafe that includes many Notre Dame University students and staff.

WA will open its borders early next year and there is no doubt that we will immediately import Covid-19 and the new highly-contagious Omicron variant, which is already rampant in the Eastern States and overseas.

It’s best to be safe than sorry when you go out for a meal, so make sure the places you visit abide by the State Government Covid rules. Protect yourself, your loved ones and the community!

Roel Loopers