FREOVIEW – Fremantle's only daily


Posted in Uncategorized by freoview on March 17, 2022

It is Thank Your Pharmacy Day today, so a special thank you from me to Anton and his staff at the Wray Avenue Pharmacy. It is so nice to get the very friendly and professional service and advise from them.

If you live in the area I highly recommend them. They are at street level below the Ellen Health GP, corner Hampton Road.

Roel Loopers



Posted in Uncategorized by freoview on August 16, 2021

The FREMANTLE PHARMACY has moved from next to Bar Orient to the beautiful former bank building at 82 High Street in Fremantle’s historic West End.

They also have a naturopath and homeopath available.

I had the friendliest service there by two delightful young woman this morning, so why not support an independent pharmacy, instead of one of the many franchises in town. Give them a try!

Roel Loopers


Posted in Uncategorized by freoview on May 14, 2021

The Fremantle Pharmacy has moved from next to Bar Orient to the former bank building at 82 High Street.

Roel Loopers



Posted in fremantle by freoview on December 1, 2014

fac 1 getting better cheap

Good morning Fremantle! It’s Monday the first of December and the festive season is upon us.

I shot the very Freo photo on my way to the Fremantle Arts Centre yesterday to listen to an excellent singer/songwriter whose name I don’t know. The courtyard was packed with people of all ages, with little kids dancing, the oldies having a glass of wine, and families and friends sharing a pizza. The Clipperton Project exhibition is excellent. Take some time to watch the fascinating video in the hallway at the back!

It’s rare that things get cheaper but that is the case at the Chemist Warehouse on Adelaide Street. I used to pay $ 32.00 for blood pressure medication, it came down a bit when I changed to a generic brand, and yesterday it had come down again and they only charged me $ 16.00.

Roel Loopers


Posted in australia, fremantle, health by freoview on May 1, 2014

If I went to a shop and had to wait twenty minutes and more to get served I’d walk out and never return. If I came twenty or more minutes late to do a photo shoot the client would not assign me again. If I went to a restaurant and had to wait twenty minutes or more for a wait person to take my order I would walk out and not return, so why do General Practitioners get away with it, why are they more important than their customers?

$ 80.00 for a five minute consultation to get the same prescription every few months, something that could be done by phone or internet, but I can live with that. Unreasonable lengthy waiting though I am not prepared to do. I changed doctors several times over the years because of that. One of the last ones let me wait for 70 minutes, so I walked out, and when I returned the next day she decided I had to pay $ 100 because it was a “long consultation”. Yep, she read my two year old blood tests out to me because the waiting room was empty on a Saturday morning, so I had to cough up more than for a normal visit, and I expect as punishment for walking out the day before after the 70 minute wait.

If GPs can’t organise their time better they should not be in business. Being punctual is part of being professional. It makes not an iota of a difference if one is the first or last patient of the day, there is always an unacceptable long waiting time, for which I have to pay more parking fees, and reschedule the rest of my day.

GPs deliver a service and we are the clients. Without us they won’t survive, so stop taking us for granted. Stop being unpunctual, especially when there are big posters in your waiting room that tell your clients that late cancellations and “no shows” will be charged for. It’s time for us customers to start charging our GPs for wasting our time.

My blood pressure is up. I went to the doctor, that’s why.

Roel Loopers