FREOVIEW – Fremantle's only daily


Posted in Uncategorized by freoview on June 27, 2024

The Politics in the Pub event last Tuesday was all about how to increase the number of residents in the Fremantle inner city. Fremantle Council has recently released public consultation for their City Plan, so make sure to voice your opinion online on the active city map.

We heard that the reason why South Fremantle is so vibrant and buzzing, is because it has a much higher population than the city centre, where there are many under-developed and unloved sites, that are crying out for good development. It is sad that many people can no longer afford to keep living in Fremantle, so we need more diversity and affordability of housing. We need Freo places for Freo people!

It is essential that we get more support from the Sate Government. They need to invest in density. It is frustrating they keep talking about plans, without implementing them. Where is aged-care Freo style, build-to-rent?

How will we get a planning system that will actually insist on high quality design that benefits the community? Medium to high density development demands public open spaces.

It is always good to keep an open mind when we talk about change and development in Fremantle. A city loses its soul when the people and businesses who make it are forced to leave. We need housing, food, and retail diversity.

It is absolutely necessary to protect our unique heritage, and it is highly unlikely that there will be substantial residential development in the West End. Keeping our heritage, means keeping our character. Perth is void of character because it allowed its beautiful heritage buildings to be demolished. But we are not honouring our heritage in Fremantle by having so few people living there. It used to be a lot busier in the past. We need to also activate the West End.

There are plenty of potential development sites, some already targeted in PSA 49, but also the former car yard site at Queen Victoria Street, the desolate Fremantle Malls, etc.

And last but not least. We need to become more radical and courageous when dealing with the State Government, that appears to be procrastinating when it comes to Fremantle.

The Politics in the Pub panel, in front of a full house, were Mayor Hannah Fitzhardinge, photographer and retailer Kate Hullett, Tod Jones of the Curtin University School of Design, with as MC Dr Brad Pettitt MLC.

Roel Loopers

10 Responses

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  1. freoview said, on June 29, 2024 at 8:25 am

    I have been a vocal advocate for change in Fremantle for decades, Nick, but am sick and tired of those who talk our city down. Change is already happening in Fremantle, but to compare it with South Freo is wrong. Fact is that Fremantle is the Central Business District and not a residential area where lots of people live, like in South Freo. Those who complain about parking, but ignore that it can also be difficult to find parking in South Freo just don’t want to accept facts. Come to Freo on a Wednesday or Thursday eve and see how packed the restaurants are. Benny’s booked out for Mussel Night, the federal and benny’s having very popular quiz nights. Gino’s always packed, and on the weekends thousands come to Fremantle because they like what we have to offer. Is there room for improvement? Yes, heaps, and that is what I have been supporting for 30+ years.



  2. Nick said, on June 29, 2024 at 7:09 am

    Roel, you’re the one who needs to get a life. People keep telling you why they’re choosing to stay away from central Freo and you keep dismissing them. They’re the reasons, whether you like it or not. If central Freo doesn’t adapt to offer what other places offer, then it will simply become even more of a shell of its former self.


  3. freoview said, on June 28, 2024 at 4:57 pm

    Yes big hassle to walk from the FOMO carpark two minutes to South Terrace or one minute from the Collie Street carpark. Some people just need to get a life. Roel


  4. Madison said, on June 28, 2024 at 4:19 pm

    I’ve yet to find a good restaurant on South Tce in central Freo that lives up to the hype. Plus you have the grey, dirty streetscape, people sleeping in the doorways of empty buildings and shops, paid parking and the hassle of getting from the paid parking to South Tce. Keep watching central Freo die a slow death everyone! We’ll keep going elsewhere.


  5. freoview said, on June 28, 2024 at 2:18 pm

    Yes I agree. Manuka, bread in Common, Vin Populi, and many more are not tucked away in some dark alleys. Roel


  6. bhooper0 said, on June 28, 2024 at 1:54 pm

    One sonetimes has to laugh at the comments expressed on this site, eg criticising Central Freo because anything that’s “any good” (eg a great restaurant) is “tucked away in some obscure side street”.

    There ARE a lot of small streets in Central Freo (especially the historical West End). That’s what gives it its character. But there are several highly recommended restaurants (as well as cafes) on South Terrace and High Street if you don’t want to venture five minutes away from them. And the often recommended restaurants in Essex and Parry/ Norfolk Streets are hardly in “obscure side streets”.


  7. Meryl said, on June 28, 2024 at 10:31 am

    South Freo is a lot cleaner – streets, footpaths – no vagrants (pity their souls). Central Freo looks very tired and anything that’s good, such as a great restaurant, is tucked away in some obscure side street.


  8. Gavin said, on June 28, 2024 at 8:29 am

    Parking is also free for people visiting South Freo from outside the area. No wonder it’s such a hub.


  9. freoview said, on June 27, 2024 at 3:36 pm

    I am sure that many walked to The Local. And parking all over Freo is free for residents with a permit after 3.30pm.

    🥰. Roel


  10. Sarah said, on June 27, 2024 at 3:34 pm

    Did they enjoy the free parking in South Freo?


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