FREOVIEW – Fremantle's only daily


Posted in city of fremantle, food, fremantle markets, Freo Farmers Market, health, Uncategorized by freoview on March 25, 2020


The Fremantle Markets has just announced that it will be closed for the the time being, due to coronavirus concerns and government restrictions. This is very sad news as it will again affect many small businesses and sole operators, who rely for income on the markets.

The Freo Farmers Market is still going ahead on Sunday, but I presume they will only be allowed to sell food.

Many national retailers today also announced closures of their shops, so times are well and truly dire.

I feel for all who have been made unemployed. It is not your fault, so don’t feel embarrassed to apply for Centrelink support! You have a right to it, deserve it, and need it!

Let us all you hope that all these measures will slow down the pandemic considerably and that life can go back to normal earlier that anticipated. Stay well and look after each other!


Roel Loopers

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  1. rob fittock said, on March 26, 2020 at 7:12 am

    now lets see how the COF leadership responds to freezing the rent for Freo Markets and also Ginos etcetera all who pay rent to the City in City owned buildings….Perth City has already gone down this path


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