FREOVIEW – Fremantle's only daily


Posted in Uncategorized by freoview on March 17, 2022

It is Thank Your Pharmacy Day today, so a special thank you from me to Anton and his staff at the Wray Avenue Pharmacy. It is so nice to get the very friendly and professional service and advise from them.

If you live in the area I highly recommend them. They are at street level below the Ellen Health GP, corner Hampton Road.

Roel Loopers



Posted in Uncategorized by freoview on July 1, 2021

The front page of The West Australian newspaper today

Tomorrow at 12.45 pm I will be getting my second Astra Zeneca Covid-19 vaccination at Fremantle’s Ellen Health GP clinic in Wray Avenue. I am doing it because I believe it is my civic duty to try to stop the spread of the deadly virus.

I don’t believe the vaccination is about personal choice or human rights, Drink Driving isn’t either. The vaccination is all about People Power, when our Federal Government has dismally failed at the roll out and the establishing of quarantine centres. It’s up to all of us now to step up and take responsibility and show care and consideration for our fellow human beings.

Let there be no doubt that we are at war! The worst war in modern history, that is going on in every nation on our planet and affects everyone. The coronavirus enemy is nasty, silent and invisible, and when it infects us we become cluster bombs that could infect and potentially kill dozens of people we had contact with, no matter how casual and short that contact might have been. We become like terrorists with suicide vests and could kill those around us. That’s why I got the two jabs.

When one does one’s civic duty it sometimes requires civil courage and to take some risks. There are always risks in life, and even the maligned AZ vaccination is less of a risk than playing Russian roulette and hoping one does not get the deadly virus.

Now is not the time for hesitation or procrastination, because unlike what Prime Minster Scott Morrison claims, this is a race! It is not only a race for survival in a war that has already killed millions of people, but it also a race to try to get back to a normal life as soon as possible. Economies are suffering, the tourism, travel, retail, hospitality and many other industries are severely impacted and many businesses might not survive and thousands of people might not get their old job back. The sooner we are all vaccinated the sooner life will return and we can travel again and tourists can come to Freo again to support our local businesses.

We have a collective responsibility to fight the pandemic with all our might, and that means to get vaccinated now! Don’t wait for another vaccine that might be more palatable, because you are playing with your own life and that of others. Be brave and accept there are minor risks, as there are in life in general.

Roel Loopers