FREOVIEW – Fremantle's only daily


Posted in city of fremantle, retail, Uncategorized by freoview on April 24, 2020




The Fremantle Chart&Map Shop, that was evicted from its Collie Street premises, allegedly because of outstanding rent, has found a new home at 70 High Street in Freo’s historic West End.

The new shop will be between Bodkins Bootery and Hush cafe, so a prominent location.

Tradies were working in the shop this morning to put a new floor in, so it will be a few weeks until the shop opens.

Roel Loopers


Posted in business, city of fremantle, covid-19, retail, Uncategorized by freoview on April 9, 2020




All is not lost for the owners of Fremantle Chart&Map Shop in Collie Street, who were evicted by their inconsiderate and selfish landlord.

I hear that the WA Minister for Small Business Paul Papalia has asked the Commissioner for Small Business to investigate this matter.

The Prime Minister announced a moratorium on evictions of tenants only a few days ago, so one has to see if the eviction is against those new regulations.

What is very disappointing here is that the property owner shows a serious lack of corporate responsibility and community spirit. It’s just not the Freo way to not support those who need a helping hand.

How can it possibly be better to get to the other end of the Covid-19 crisis with a vacant shop, instead of still having a tenant there who has been there for 25 years? The narrow-mindedness of the landlord’s decision is mind blowing.

Support the Chart&Map Shop! Contact your state and federal politicians!!

Roel Loopers