FREOVIEW – Fremantle's only daily


Posted in Uncategorized by freoview on January 13, 2022

Here the latest from the WA State Government about proof of vaccination requirements:

Based on the latest health advice, from Monday, January 31, proof of vaccination requirements will apply State-wide and be expanded to include new higher-risk venues.

Double dose proof of vaccination for those aged 16 and older will be required for:

  • visitors to public and private hospitals, and aged care facilities;
  • all hospitality venues including restaurants, cafes, bars, pubs, clubs, taverns, night clubs and dine-in fast food (roadhouses, service stations and takeaway is exempt);
  • indoor entertainment venues, including play centres, gaming and gambling, theatres, concert halls, museums, cinemas and live music venues;
  • bottle shops;
  • the entire Crown Perth complex;
  • major stadiums;
  • gyms, fitness centres and health studios;
  • amusement parks and the Zoo; and
  • music festivals and large events with more than 500 people, unless exempt.

Community sport and school-based events, unless at one of the specific venues listed, are exempt from the proof of vaccination requirement.

People will be required to show proof of their COVID-19 vaccination, either in a digital or paper-based form, along with approved identification if not using the ServiceWA app. Visit to see information on getting proof of COVID-19 vaccinations.

Venues, staff and patrons will have a shared responsibility when it comes to proof of vaccination, with venues required to take reasonable steps to ensure all patrons are double dose vaccinated, or exempt.