FREOVIEW – Fremantle's only daily


Posted in Uncategorized by freoview on February 22, 2022

Good to see that Fremantle Council has taken pro-active measures to ensure that the Ordinary Council meeting this coming Wednesday can concentrate on matters at hand and on the agenda, rather than being kidnapped with more Pro Choice and anti vaxxer irrelevance.

Mayor Hannah Fitzhardinge posted this on Facebook:

We’ve made a few changes to how Council meetings will run in light of the current COVID situation and restrictions. For our meeting this week, we will:

• Livestream the meeting via

• Only allow people into the public gallery who are there for a specific item on the agenda (which can be found at

• Require masks and sign-ins to access the building (as per usual)

Despite having had significant airtime at our December and January meetings, we understand there may be another gathering of anti-mandate protestors at our meeting on Wednesday. As there is nothing on the agenda in relation to this issue, we will not be allowing access to the public gallery for discussion related to this topic.

A valid request for a Special Elector’s Meeting regarding vaccine mandates has been received from eligible residents and this is in the process of being scheduled, and will be advertised shortly.

Vaccine mandates have nothing at all to do with Local Governments. They are made by the State Governments. Those who don’t agree with them should raise their concerns with Parliament House, instead of wasting the time of Local Governments.

Roel Loopers

5 Responses

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  1. w3st3ndr3sid3nt said, on February 23, 2022 at 10:01 pm

    From the Council – “ Can I request that my statement is read aloud at the meeting?

    You may request that the presiding member read your submission aloud. However the PM is under no obligation to do this.

    You may include this request when you send your statement to

    Given the circumstances, and precedent, you would think Hannah would simply read the statement rather than dismiss it due to some excuse involving the Covid protestors of which this question had nothing to do with.

    The issue is that it’s an established and allowable procedure for the Mayor to read out statements – she chose to decline and hide behind the last minute changes to procedure.


  2. freoview said, on February 23, 2022 at 7:08 pm

    The party could have asked someone to represent them. It is not up to the Mayor, or other Elected Members to read out statements by third parties. It is up to them to be represented, and they would have been able to be heard this evening. This is not about shutting down debate. It is not Council’s fault that the party could not attend the meeting.



  3. w3st3ndr3sid3nt said, on February 23, 2022 at 6:58 pm

    Correction – date should read “19th January” not “19th February”.


  4. w3st3ndr3sid3nt said, on February 23, 2022 at 6:27 pm

    The statement that wasn’t read:

    During the Ordinary Meeting of Council on the 19th February 2022, Cr Andrew Sullivan made a statement regarding an ongoing complaint that I had lodged with the City in October of last year.

    In that communication, Cr Sullivan makes a false and misleading statement regarding the online publication of a letter that I wrote in September last year. Cr Sullivan’s statement is in direct breach of Division 3 of the Code of Conduct for Council Members published by the City of Fremantle.

    This latest breach by Cr Sullivan is most concerning and clear evidence of the pattern of behaviour that he continues to exhibit.

    The “apology” that he has expressed appears insincere, qualified, and calculated to achieve a political aim of further evading responsibility for his actions. His statement of apology was pre-emptive and appears to refer to confidential information that was not yet deliberated or decided upon by Council – or made available to me. In his statement, Cr Sullivan appears more concerned with the fact that his unacceptable conduct was uncovered as a result of internal emails being surfaced, rather than expressing contriteness or sincere regret.

    Cr Sullivan’s pattern of behaviour was investigated by an external investigator engaged by the City of Fremantle. During conversations that I had with the investigator, we specifically discussed desired outcomes that I would be open to accepting to ensure that Cr Sullivan’s breaches of the Code of Conduct would be adequately addressed and to prevent further occurrences. These outcomes included a sincere public apology, training as to the requirements and duties of an elected member and notice of public censure.

    Cr Sullivan’s apology is not accepted and does nothing to ameliorate the harm that he has caused through his unacceptable behaviour and actions. I am concerned that if Council does not hold him fully accountable for his evidenced behaviour and actions, his pattern of behaviour will continue to occur. If Council chooses to blindly protect their own, rather than serve justice and better the functioning of our local Government and our elected members, it will be a sad indictment upon the City of Fremantle and those that purport to represent ratepayers.


  5. w3st3ndr3sid3nt said, on February 23, 2022 at 6:21 pm

    Mayor Hannah was asked to read a statement by the party who made the misconduct complaint against Andrew Sullivan regarding the recommendations by Wise Workplace in their upholding of the complaint. She refused to do so, even though the item is on the agenda and the people involved could not make the meeting due to being out of town for a family emergency. Appears that Council is happy to shut down debate when it suits them.


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