FREOVIEW – Fremantle's only daily


Posted in city of fremantle, kings square, local government, western australia by freoview on April 29, 2016

Until something substantially new happens I am going to be quiet for a while about the Fremantle Kings Square Project, but I do want to make a statement before I do, after the Fremantle Herald front page headline of Kings Square Deal Freo Inc.?

I have no issues whatsoever with community groups or individuals like Martin Lee, Craig Ross, Andrew Luobikis, Mark Woodcock, and myself asking the hard questions and scrutinising Fremantle Council, but I have very serious issues with the defamatory innuendo and claims that the contract with Sirona Capital smell of WA Inc. as Premier Colin Barnett supposedly told the Fremantle Society President.

If the Premier of this State really believes there is something sinister with what the City of Fremantle has done it is his duty to ask the CCC to investigate Council. If any group or individual has any proof that Fremantle officers and/or Councillors conducted their business unlawfully it is their civic duty to report it to the police. If they don’t do that they become accessory after the fact and they could end up in jail for not reporting it.

I have dealt with Fremantle Council, the CEO, the Directors, and many of its officers for many years and I have criticised them often, but I am willing to put both my hands in the fire that none of them is corrupt and personally unlawfully benefit from the work they are doing at the City of Fremantle!

What is so insulting about this is that these people worked with the Fremantle Society President for many years when he was a Councillor and for him to allege WA Inc. style corruption, by allegedly quoting the Premier is quite disgraceful.

The Royal Commission findings on WA Inc. were that “Some Ministers elevated personal and party advantage over their constitutional obligation to act in the public interest.”

So which person(s) and which political party did gain advantage from the City of Fremantle signing a contract with Sirona Capital? Name names please. I suggest it is put up or shut up time for the disgruntled former Councillor and his fan club!

Roel Loopers




Posted in fremantle by freoview on November 8, 2013

Someone made me aware of this defamatory on-line comment to the FREMANTLE HERALD by my cyber bully Roger Garwood. Mister Garwood accuses the Mayor of Fremantle, the Chamber of Commerce, CODA architects and me of unlawful and unethical behaviour akin to WA Inc. Here is his comment:

There seems to be a lot of Coda stuff happening in Freo. Isn’t it time the Herald started to ask what the close connections are between CODA, Loopers, The Mayor, CoC are? The repeated revelations of these connections is beginning to look a little like Freo Inc. – just a touch too cosy, a reflection of WA Inc.

As a very active community member, and as the editor of a blog recognised as a media outlet, and as former President and still committee member of the Fremantle Society, I meet very many people, write about them, ask them questions, criticise and/or applaud them, support events and businesses, etc. I try to be at as many community consultation workshops and council meetings as possible. If it is about Freo and I know about it, I will report on it.

So what are my connections with the people and organisations Gardwood mentioned?

I became aware of CODA first through community consultation workshops. They seem very professional and are very likable, so why not support a local business? I met Kieran Wong and others at workshops on Cantonment Hill, Kings Square and Victoria Quay and he spoke once at a Fremantle Society function. I don’t think I ever had a private drink or coffee with Kieran or anyone from CODA. I was not aware of CODA’s involvement with the Sunset Events J Shed proposal till I heard it at the briefing at council on Monday evening.

I have contact with Mayor Brad Pettitt because of my community involvement and was delighted he honoured me by being present at my 65th birthday lunch, but we have had our disagreements and the odd yelling match, and he knows I’ll keep scrutinising him and council. I have contact with all elected members and with many City officers. It’s all part of my community engagement and nothing untoward is going on.

I met Tim Milsom, CEO of the Chamber of Commerce through his work while I was President of the Fremantle Society and because of my community involvement. Tim also attended my birthday and I helped him with his election campaign for East Fremantle council, for which he paid me a small amount. We like and respect each other and have business-like contact with one another.

I don’t do assignment paid photography work for the City of Fremantle, CODA or the Chamber of Commerce and have no business dealings with them. I neither have the financial means nor am I influential enough to be part of something akin to WA Inc. I judged the CoC photography award without getting paid for it, but received a sandwich, because the judging happened during lunchtime.

I have no decision making power at Fremantle Council and only hear who their consultants are when that becomes public. I am neither asked for, not do I give an opinion on who council should employ. I am an opinionated photographer who writes a blog, not a lobbyist with massive influence or power! I love Freo, that’s all.

Roel Loopers

P.S. I did not select or invite my birthday guests, that was done by the friend who organised the lunch for me.