FREOVIEW – Fremantle's only daily


Posted in city of fremantle, development, property, real estate, Uncategorized by freoview on June 20, 2019


It must be slow news time or sheer desperation for a good news story that The City of Fremantle and Mayor Brad Pettitt are re-posting an article in Business News about Andrew-Twiggy-Forrest’s investments in Fremantle.

It is old news that Forrest’s companies have bought the Orient Hotel in High Street for $ 4.6 million and the Spicers carpark on the corner of William and Henderson streets from Sirona Capital for $ 7.6 million, as well as 45 Phillimore Street for $ 2.7 million.

So yes, shout it out loud that Andrew Forrest has invested $ 15 million in Freo over the last 15 months and that it is a sign of confidence in Fremantle’s economic rebirth.

Roel Loopers

2 Responses

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  1. freoview said, on June 20, 2019 at 12:17 pm

    All good Brad. Good news about Fremantle can’t be repeated often enough as far as I am concerned. 😍



  2. Roel
    You were just a long way ahead of the news cycle on this one! WA Business only reported on it yesterday.

    It also has some good comments from those they interviewed. Here is the link:

    cheers, Brad


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