FREOVIEW – Fremantle's only daily


Posted in fremantle by freoview on January 3, 2013

The High Street mall in Fremantle is a very busy place where many people sit and watch the passing parade, read the local newspapers or have a bite to eat, so what a disgrace to see this bench full with bird shit on Wednesday morning. One would assume that the cleaning of public seats is a daily task each morning to make sure people don’t soil their clothes. Maybe the mall traders could also show more pride and check out the benches. It only takes a minute or two to clean them.

Roel Loopers

bird shit 1

bird shit 2

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  1. sal said, on January 3, 2013 at 8:52 am

    In this weather I reckon they dry very fast . This town is a whole lot cleaner than most places. Cannot get too anal. I don’t think the shop keepers should do it either.


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